
Column Assignments

  • Orientation - You can choose a chart orientation. Either 'Vertical' or 'Horizontal'.

  • X-Axis - Assign a column you want to show at X-Axis. If it's a Date / Time column assigned, you can select the aggregation level such as Month, Week, Day, etc. If you assign a Number column, you can choose either As Number to treat values as continuous values or As Text to treat values as categorical values.

  • Y-Axis - Assign a column you want to show at Y-Axis. If it's a Numeric column assigned, you can set the aggregation function such as Sum, Mean (Average), etc. to aggregate the values. You can also assign a Window Calculation from the gear icon on Y-Axis. Look at Window Calculation section for details.

  • Color - Take a look at Color section for more details.

  • Sort By - Assign a column to use for Sorting the X-Axis values. The default is based on either the alphabetic order or the factor level order for Factor type columns.

  • Repeat By - You can assign a column to repeat the chart for each of its values. Take a look at Repeat By section for more details.

You can assign multiple columns to Y-Axis. Take a look at Multiple Y-Axis section for more details.

Orientation - Vertical vs. Horizontal

You can select from one of the following orientations. The default is Vertical.



  • In this orientation type, X-Axis goes vertically and Y-Axis goes horizontally in order to make it easy to switch between horizontal and vertical orientation.

  • At this moment, the horizontal orientation doesn't support Repeat By.

Bar Type - Stacked vs. Grouped

You can select from one of the following bar types. The default is Stacked.



Reference Line

Take a look at Reference Line section for more details.


You can change the color of the specific markers such as bars, lines or circles that you pick to stand out from others. See Highlight for the detail.


You can categorize numeric values inside the chart. See Category(Binning) for the detail.

Limit Values

You can use Limit Values to filter the categories by the aggregated values. It is on by default for X-Axis. See Limit Values for the detail.

'Others' Group

If you have many categories, you can reduce the number of categories by changing some category names to 'Others' using the 'Others' Group feature. See 'Others' Group for the detail.

Custom Function

You can use the Custom Function feature to define your own aggregation function. See Custom Function for the detail.

Missing Value Handling

You can use the Missing Value Handling feature to control missing values. See Missing Value Handling for the detail.

Rename Column Names

You can use the Rename Column Names feature to update column names if you assign multiple columns to Y-Axis. See Rename Column Names for the detail.

Axis Setting

You can use the Axis Setting feature to assign columns to Y1/Y2 axes if you assign multiple columns to Y-Axis. See Axis Setting for the detail.

Show Detail

You can show the detailed data underlying the chart by clicking the chart figure. See Show Detail for the detail.

Layout Configuration

Take a look at Layout Configuration on how to configure the layout and format.

Save as an Image

You can save the chart as an image file. See Save as PNG/SVG for more details.

Last updated