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You can quickly import data from your ODBC Database Connection into Exploratory.
First, install ODBC Drivers and set up Data Source Name (DSN) for the database you want to connect Exploratory to. Following are instructions to create ODBC DSN for some of the types of databases we verified that they work.
Snowflake (for Mac/Windows)
Oracle (for Windows)
Oracle (for Mac)
Oracle (Japanese) (for Windows)
Oracle (Japanese) (for Mac)
Microsoft SQL Server (for Windows)
Microsoft SQL Server (for Mac)
Select the "Data Connection" menu from the menu right next to the project name.
Click the "Add" button.
Select the "ODBC" icon.
Select the DSN created at Step 1 and click the Test and make sure it works. For Mac, we support both iODBC based and unixODBC based ODBC Drivers and DSN.
Click the "Add" button to save the connection.
Click '+' button next to 'Data Frames' and select 'Database Data'.
Click ODBC to select.
Click Preview button to see the data from your ODBC database connection.
If it looks ok, then you can click 'Import' to import the data into Exploratory.
First, click a parameter link on the SQL Data Import Dialog.
Second, define a parameter and click Save button.
Finally, you can use @{} to surround a variable name inside the query like below.
If you type @ then it suggests parameters like below.
Here's a blog post for more detail.
From performance point of view, we no longer show actual number of rows which can be only fetched by executing whole query again.
If you still want to show the actual number of query for your query, you can do so by setting System Configuration.
Then set "Yes" For "Show Actual Number of Rows on SQL Data Import Dialog"
This will show you Actual Number of Rows like below.